Doctorate and Master’s


Area of Concentration: Literary Studies


1. Mandatory Discipline 


Critical Theories (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours) – Master’s

Syllabus: Examination of theories of Literary Criticism, with emphasis on the great currents of the twentieth century, from Russian Formalism to the Aesthetics of Reception and the Theories of Comparativism. History and problematic of Literary Criticism. Study of the main critical methods. The problem of interpretation and value in contemporary critical thinking.


History of Literature Theory (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours) - Doctorate

Syllabus: The course aims to analyze the perspectives in the History of Literature and discuss about the place of the History of Literature in the domain of Languages and the Humanities.


Area of Concentration: Literary Studies


2. Elective Disciplines - Master and Doctorate


Romance Studies (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The course aims to examine the trajectory of the novel and analyze its position in the field of literary studies.


Brazilian Narrative History (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The course aims to analyze the Brazilian literature, from Romanticism to contemporaneity, highlighting the most significant works for the shaping of the Brazilian literary system.


Memory, History and Literature (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Approaches, from various theoretical fields, the constitution of memory and its social dimension. Study of the relations between History and Memory and the representations of cultural practices and memory places in Literature.


Brazilian Literature Seminar (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The course aims at the critical study of modern and contemporary Brazilian narratives, in order to reflect on the modernist project and its possible overcoming, considering the various approaches to literary modernity.


Advanced Topics in Literary Studies (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Subjects covered in the 'advanced topics' discipline meet the interests and specificities of the research areas of the course's focus areas.


Area of Concentration: Literary Studies


3. Elective Disciplines


Reception Aesthetics (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Study Hans Robert Jauss’ work (1921-1997), from Time and Experience in search of lost time (1955) to Paths of Understanding (1994), from the central idea that "the meaning of the work of art it is more conceived as a transstemporal substance, but as a totality constituted in history itself "(Jauss, 1991, p. 212-213) and of which the work encompasses both the text as a given structure and its reception or perception by the reader or viewer.


Amazonian Literature Studies (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: This course aims to raise questions about literature, history, culture and city in the Amazon. It takes a general approach to arrive at the specific Amazonian cutout. Its main theoretical tool is Comparative Literature and Culture Studies in order to make interdisciplinary and intertextual relations from the reading script of theoretical and literary texts. Its main objective is to situate the Amazonian literature texts as a cultural asset to figure the Amazonian time and space.


Narrative Studies (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: From a predefined corpus, we study the diversity of narrative achievements in different temporalities and / or discourses. The structural elements of the narrative are presented, presented in different modalities: short story, tale, novel, chronicle. Narrative texts are analyzed.


Poem Studies (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Study of the poetic text, offering the student instruments of theoretical and critical analysis (from the concepts of poetry and poem, rhyme verse and stanza, to the numerous resources used by poetic language). Representative texts of the poetic genre of literature will be read, particularly those that constitute themselves true metapoetics.


Comparative Literature (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Examination of comparativism as an intercultural and intertextual procedure and / or as a practice of recreating and breaking models. Historical typologization: literary genres, periods, times, movements and generations. The construction of the literary canon. Literature as a form of nationalism. Emerging literature: otherness and difference (postcolonial literature, blackness, feminism, etc.). Translation as a form of rewriting. Literature and other arts: translation / adaptation between discourses.


Literature and Reception (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: From the notion of Literature and reception, it is proposed an evaluation of the relations between Literature and reading, observing the various forms of reception that the text assumes for different types of readers, emphasizing the issues related to production, reproduction and circulation of printed materials, considering the theoretical discussions concerning Literary Theory, Reception Aesthetics and Reading History.


Literature and Society (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The course focuses on the discussion of the relationship between literature and society and its implications for literary criticism. It discusses the problems of 'sociological criticism' and points to the dialectical relationship established between the literary work and society, in which one influences the other in a dynamic equilibrium.


Orality and Literature (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The course aims to present and discuss topics and issues related to oral and popular literature, in an approach that prioritizes cultural diversity and class differences related to users of oral and / or written record. Theoretical debates will still consider the concepts of memory, narrative, identity, social representations and culture as related and constituent of this form of literature not always considered in the more traditionalist academic circles. Allied to the theoretical discussions, practices of structural analyzes and interpretations in oral texts to be collected, or existing in the IFNOPAP / CLA / UFPA Project collection will be carried out.


4. Research Accompanying Disciplines


Guided Research Seminar (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The subjects covered in this course meet the interests of the Program's research groups, according to the projects under development.


Guided Research I (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The subjects covered in this course meet the interests of the Program's research groups, according to the projects under development.


Guided Research II (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The subjects covered in this course meet the interests of the Program's research groups, according to the projects under development.


Guided Research III (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The subjects covered in this course meet the interests of the Program's research groups, according to the projects under development.


Area of Concentration: Linguistic Studies


5. Compulsory subjects


Language Theories (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours) – Master’s

Syllabus: Brief presentation and discussion of the main linguistic phenomena that general theories of natural languages ​​need to explain; analysis of the main theories of linguistics in terms of which of the phenomena discussed they try to explain; discussion and conclusion about the scope and relevance of these theories; taking into account the history and nature of scientific studies; to propose criteria for the evaluation of linguistic theories in order to determine their object and degree of contribution to the scientific knowledge of human language.


Morphosyntax (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours) – Doctorate

Syllabus: Morphology: the domain of morphology; morphological complexity of natural languages; word definition; word structure, types of morphemes; notions of word classes. The morphological analysis method: segmentation and classification of morphemes, criteria used to identify morphemes, productivity of the morphological process. Processes of word formation. Morphology and syntax interface: Flexion in different domains: words vs. phrases. Sentence structure: grammatical categories, constituent structure, agreement, and argument coding; morphosyntactic processes: morphology and change of grammatical function. Linguistic theory and analysis: morphosyntax topics applied to modern languages; different language approaches. Linguistic typology: genetic, morphological, areal.


6. Elective Disciplines - Master and Doctorate


Phonics & Phonology (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The course aims to address phonetic-phonological aspects of Brazilian Portuguese based on examples from Portuguese and from different languages ​​of the world; develop in students the practice of phonetic transcription and phonological analysis; distinguish the different phonological currents. Articulatory Phonetics, Phonetic Transcription and Phonological Analysis procedures will be worked on.


Sociolinguistics (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Sociolinguistics and related sciences. Its schools (variationist, speech ethnography, ethnomethodology, dialectology, linguistic geography), its methods (quantitative - VARBRUL - and qualitative) and objects (variation and linguistic changes - linguistic variable, linguistic variants, linguistic variety, types of variation, community of speaking, language proficiency) Fieldwork and data analysis.


Advanced Topics in Linguistics (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Subjects covered in the 'advanced topics' discipline meet the interests and specificities of the research areas of the course's focus areas.


Area of Concentration: Literary Studies


Teaching / Learning Reading and Writing (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Characterization of reading and text production activities from different linguistic, cognitive and social approaches. Analysis of school practices of reading and written production in mother tongue and foreign language.


Theoretical-Methodological Foundations of Language Teaching-Learning (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Study of the field of teaching and learning of mother tongue and foreign languages ​​in an epistemological perspective; presentation and analysis of the different problems that constitute its object of study and articulation of these problems in research focused on problem solving practice.


7. Elective Disciplines


Teaching-Learning Comprehension and Oral Production (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Characterization of listening activities and production of oral texts from various linguistic, cognitive and social approaches. Analysis of listening practices and oral production in mother tongue and foreign language.


Introduction to Brazilian Indigenous Languages ​​(4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Presentation of the main characteristics already described about Brazilian indigenous languages; discussion and analysis of data representative of the linguistic diversity of Brazil; identification of the domains that most need studies and reflection on the relevance of Brazilian indigenous languages ​​for theoretical and typological linguistics.


Textual Linguistics (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Trajectory of textual studies in the context of socio-interactionist approaches to language. Analysis of textuality construction mechanisms in oral and written genres.


Morphology (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Presentation of the methodology of study of the internal structure of words; analysis of their relationship with other words and the concepts involved in this study; discussion of interaction with other domains of grammar and phonology and review of the main ideas of the most important modern morphological theories.


Loss, Change and Maintenance of Languages ​​(4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Study of aspects and linguistic phenomena related to the loss, change and maintenance of minority languages ​​in multilingual societies.


Linguistic Pragmatics (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Delimitation of the field of discipline; analysis of the theories that most influence the area: speech act theory, integrated pragmatics and relevance pragmatics; critical balance and perspectives.


Verbal Interaction Analysis (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Analysis of the interactional process in view of the contextual conditions of production / reception of language activities. Investigation of the discursive strategies that explain the game of representations and the intersubjective relations that are established during the communicative event.


Grammar Theory (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Presentation of the main linguistic phenomena necessary for the construction of a general theory of grammar; discussion of the relations of the discipline with text, speech, pragmatics and cognition.


8. Research Accompanying Disciplines


Guided Research Seminar (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The subjects covered in this course meet the interests of the Program's research groups, according to the projects under development.


Guided Research I (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The subjects covered in this course meet the interests of the Program's research groups, according to the projects under development.


Guided Research II (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The subjects covered in this course meet the interests of the Program's research groups, according to the projects under development.


Guided Research III (4 Credit Units, 60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The subjects covered in this course meet the interests of the Program's research groups, according to the projects under development.